UCSF Faculty Association

Faculty Association Letter re: proposal on grants paying low indirect costs


To faculty colleagues at UCSF:

We are writing to apprise you a proposal to prohibit submission of grant applications to organizations that pay indirect costs of less than 10 percent (details attached). The Faculty Association believes that this proposal would adversely affect faculty, particularly junior faculty.

We wrote Chancellor Desmond-Hellmann to express our opposition to the proposal, citing the difficulties this policy would pose for junior faculty working to obtain early career funding as well as its impact on senior faculty’s ability to continue to obtain NIH funding. We also explained how this would have negative consequences to the resources of already struggling departments and raised concerns that this policy would likely affect scientific and academic freedom by eliminating funding from foundations which are often able to fund controversial research.

A copy of this letter is linked HERE.  We would be interested in your thoughts and knowing how such a proposal would likely affect you and your department.

We will keep you apprised of any response and further developments.


Ed Yelin, Chair

UCSF Faculty Association



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