UCSF Faculty Association

Defending the University: A Teach-In on the Current Crisis


The University of California, San Francisco
Monday, January 25, 2010
4:30 pm

This “teach-in” explores the origins and character of the current crisis at the University of California. It is both an educational and political event, designed to provide a progressive, alternative analysis of the budget crisis and a positive road forward for California, the UC system, and education at all levels in our state.  We defend public higher education in the Golden State. We do not favor privatization of the University, austerity for the public schools, or furloughs, wage freezes, and fee hikes for staff, faculty, and students. We hope that the information and analysis generated by this teach-in will provide students, staff, faculty, and administrators with the weapons necessary to defend our university as it faces unprecedented attack.


Stan Glantz, Professor of Medicine, UCSF, past chair of UC Committee on Planning and Budget: “UC’s Budget Mess: How We Got Here and How Little It Would Cost to Get Out”

Robert Meister, Professor of Political Science, UC Santa Cruz, President, UC Faculty Associations: “Who Pays and Who Benefits? Higher Education and Taxation as Engines of Equality and Growth”

George Lakoff, Professor of Linguistics, UC Berkeley, Author of California Democracy Act Ballot Initiative: “Privatization and Democracy: How We Can Change Our Future”

Moderated by Warren Gold, Chair UCSF Faculty Association

For more information, contact Rena Frantz, ucsf_fa@earthlink.net

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